This painting comes with an antique frame. This original artwork shows a scene from the place where I was born. I always used to play under the flamboyant trees or called fire trees. The outfit I am wearing was given to me by my mother, and my grandmother put it on me since she was the one who raised me since I was born. This work shows fruit trees such as orange trees and Mexican plum trees.
Under the Flamboyant Tree
This painting comes with an antique frame. This original artwork shows a scene from the place where I was born. I always used to play under the flamboyant trees or called fire trees. The outfit I am wearing was given to me by my mother, and my grandmother put it on me since she was the one who raised me since I was born. This work shows fruit trees such as orange trees and Mexican plum trees.
Additional information
Acrylic on canvas
4.12 lbs
2 in-depth x 24.5 in-width x 30.5 in-height
0.5 in-depth x 18 in-width x 24 in-height