This painting has an antique frame. This original artwork shows the open-minded personality of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo in the 1930s. Her father was very proud of her to see her dress her way regardless of the ignorant opinions of other people. The colorful necklace symbolizes the colors of the flag of the LGBTQ community. Kahlo was a very liberal woman and fighter for the rights of freedom of expression.
Frida kahlo en Época Contenciosa
This painting has an antique frame. This original artwork shows the open-minded personality of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo in the 1930s. Her father was very proud of her to see her dress her way regardless of the ignorant opinions of other people. The colorful necklace symbolizes the colors of the flag of the LGBTQ community. Kahlo was a very liberal woman and fighter for the rights of freedom of expression.
Additional information
Oil on canvas
6 lbs
1.5 in-depth x 23.5 in-width x 27.5 in-height
0.5 in-depth x 16 in-width x 20 in-height