Frame included. This original drawing represents a skull drawn with charcoal and black and white Indian ink on drawing paper. I decided to frame it with a plastic frame and a plastic protector instead of glass. The skull symbolizes the day of the dead in Mexican culture. The flowers appear to be a mystical bloom of our Aztec roots. Tears represent the suffering of a nation that lacks protection and honesty in our country.
Day of the Dead
Frame included. This original drawing represents a skull drawn with charcoal and black and white Indian ink on drawing paper. I decided to frame it with a plastic frame and a plastic protector instead of glass. The skull symbolizes the day of the dead in Mexican culture. The flowers appear to be a mystical bloom of our Aztec roots. Tears represent the suffering of a nation that lacks protection and honesty in our country.
Additional information
Charcoal, Indian black/white inc on drawing paper
5.9 lbs
1 in-depth x 30 in-width x 43 in-height